Trip to Hallenijgal, August 14th, 2010: A write-up by a parent and staff-member: Pamela

The trip to Hallenijgal was a very enjoyable trip. The children had a very good experience. They got to see the village scenario and the village life. We have taken photographs and are doing picture talk based on what they had seen and experienced in the village. We are also able to elicit responses from our children during our recalling time period in our class. It is really so amazing to see how much they are able to talk abut what they saw. This was indeed a very good opportunity that the children got to explore a different environment and have fun too.

It does not just end here. The children enjoyed the drive in the bus as well as the tractor. We were apprehensive to a little extent whether our children with special needs will be able to adapt to changes, new surroundings and change of routine but to our surprise all the kids had fun.

The highlight of the trip was events at the village school. It was a real example of integration as our children with special needs and the school children at Hallenijgal participated together in all the games and art activities.

Socially the trip helped our children as they were all paired with teachers and volunteers whom they had not interacted with before. We all sat together and ate the same food together. The food was very delicious. The children got to plant saplings explore nature at free will. All the children had a very good time far beyond their words can express.


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Bubbles Learning Centre For Autism

The intent of creating an online space for Bubbles Learning Centre is to target a wider audience and to help autistic children reach us at a much earlier stage.

There are very few schools in Bangalore who cater to children with autism. We have very specific programs addressing each of their deficits in skills such as language and communication, play and social skills.

Apart from this, we run an early intervention programme where in skill training is given with a holistic approach.

In Bubbles, we ensure that the student-teacher ratio is small, typically around 1:2.

We lay emphasis on the overall development of the child and enable them to lead independent lives.

Parent empowerment, family counselling, training and their involvement is given major priority in the training process.

The purpose of the counselling sessions is to promote the physical, emotional, spiritual, social and economic well-being of families. The intent is to help the parents understand the full potential of their children and in training the children to achieve the same.